Judy Richie is a native of Austin, Texas and has been active in art since an early age. While still in high school she was chosen to attend a summer art camp at the University of Texas with the intent to major in art. A minor detour of marriage, six children and moving to Colorado and later to Alaska to marry her present husband, Bob, interrupted that goal.
After moving near the small town of Lake City, Colorado, Judy painted and ran her own gallery and later owned and operated a bed and breakfast inn for eight years. She painted murals on some of the walls that two subsequent owners have chosen to leave intact. While in Colorado Judy attended several oil painting workshops. She also developed an abiding interest in the art and crafts of the Native American, especially those of the Southwest. While living in the small town of Valdez, Alaska, Judy became interested in gourd art and with the help of the Internet in obtaining supplies, books and articles from varied sources, taught herself the basics of working with gourds. She learned some of her basketry coiling techniques from Aleut and Eskimo women in Alaska.
Judy and her husband retired to Kerrville, Texas in the summer of 2002, where she pursues her art a minimum of 30 hours a week. Since moving to Kerrville she has expanded her repertoire of presentations and basketry. Judy's coiled basketry is unique in it's presentation and includes pine needles, raffia, various grasses, plant fibers, philodendron sheaths and feathers. Most of her baskets are sewn with either waxed linen or artificial sinew.
Discovering the use of gourds for sculptural figures has been a recent delight for Judy's gourd art. Most are Native American inspired. She is becoming known for her uses of patinas with copper, bronze, brass and silver metal coatings that she uses on the gourds.
Her gourd creations have won several Best of Shows and other major awards along with numerous 1st place ribbons.
Judy, also, now teaches gourd art and has traveled to Arizona, Vermont, Georgia, Florida as well as her
home state of Texas.